ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property myNamespacedProperty not found on a.b.c.MyClass and there is no default value.
Seen when attempting to access a member (property/method/accessor) of a class that uses a custom namespace, e.g:
messaging_internals function getMillisecondsSinceSent():uint {
return getTimer() - _lastSentTime;
Obviously here "
messaging_internals" is the namespace.
Check that both declaration and use are using
exactly the same definition of the namespace. For example, check that you don't have a duplicate definition!
We saw this problem when project A had namespace An on methods in class
Ac. Used by project B in class Bc. All looked fine, compiled fine but
unit testing saw Error #1069. Eventually realised that a bad
refactoring had left a second copy of the namespace An in project B
(where it had orignally been), leaving An obscured by the identically
named Bn. Bc was using Bn which failed to resolve to An hence members
in Ac were unreachable!
(Yes, I can add a diagram if anyone wants.)
Obviously ideally the tooling should highlight this.